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on November 24, 2014 at 1:28:20 pm

IAU Working Group for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture

Hosted by IAU Commission 41 (within IAU Division C)


Brief Overview

The IAU Working Group for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (WGAAC) is a discussion group for researchers in Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture, and for researchers in astronomy with an interest in this topic. Its primary motivation is to facilitate interactions (e.g. meetings, wiki, etc) between these researchers.



The Working Group for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (WGAAC), which is part of Commission 41 of the IAU (International Astronomical Union), is the focal point within the IAU for the vigorous research field of "Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture". This field is already serviced by non-IAU organisations (see links below) such as ISAAC, SEAC, and SIAC  but the IAU WGAAC builds focus on this area within mainstream astronomy, to:

  •    Promote the research area, and facilitate interactions with other IAU members and groups,
  •    Facilitate interactions between researchers in this field and projects such as SKA, which is actively promoting Indigenous Astronomy in Australia and South Africa to engage the community in the SKA project  (see e.g. the Shared Sky exhibition)
  •    Facilitate interactions between researchers in this field and IAU initiatives in Outreach and in Astronomy for the Developing World,
  •    Facilitate interactions between researchers in this field, such as the proposed splinter meeting at the 2015 IAU GA,
  •    Facilitate engagement in this research area by IAU members who are not currently members of ISAAC, SEAC, or SIAC


As well as facilitating interactions between research in this field and other IAU bodies and initiatives, we will also build strong links between the WG and ISAAC, SEAC, and SIAC. A focal point for the WG will be an actively maintained web site and wiki, to promote on-line discussions continuing from the IAU General Assembly meetings. The Working Group will initially be established for 3 years, and its impact will be measured against the goals listed above at the next IAU GA in 2018. Membership is open to any bonafide researcher in the field, as defined here.


Note that, as part of the IAU restructuring, all commissions and working groups will be formally dissolved prior to the 2015 Honolulu meeting. We expect Commission 41 and WGAAC will then be re-formed.



Links to other cultural astronomy organisations:



More Information





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